07824 532632

If you bring a rabbit or guinea pig to Beech Tree Bunnies, we hope that you appreciate that we will rehome the animal as we see fit and as we believe are in the very best lifetime interests of the animal concerned. We ask you to fill in a short form giving us a few details about them.
If you know the animal has a specific problem, please tell us. We won’t turn you away, but we need to know the whole truth about the animal’s history so that we can rehome them to the right owner and as a result the animal will be happy in it’s new home with people who will understand their needs.
We hope that when you bring an animal into our rescue, you will give us a donation to cover the costs we will incur in getting them ready to be rehomed , such as vaccinations, spaying or neutering and other veterinary care. We also appreciate the donation of the animals hutch, run and any bowls, bottles, toys, etc.
We will also not discriminate for or against taking in certain breeds of animal, certain characteristics or those that are “easier” to rehome. Every animal is equal in our eyes and we maintain a no destroy policy. We will never euthanize a healthy animal.
We are not here to judge people who bring their animals into our rescue or rehome animals from our rescue. As long as you are acting in the best interests of the animal, then that’s OK with us.
Please ring first, to arrange admission, please don't just turn up, we may be full.
At the moment we have a waiting list for admitting rabbits and Guinea Pigs,
as we are currenty at full capacity.